
Rush to Save 80 Elephants from Being Shot Dead


These are some of the elephants who are to be killed.

A culling permit to kill 80 elephants has been submitted to the Republic of South Africa.

I have asked one of the foremost wildlife authorities in the world to oversee this rescue. He rescued a large herd a few years ago, which was featured in a National Geographic television special.

I feel, however, the best alternative may be to introduce a reforestation plan to the ecosystem where they are located so they won’t need to be moved at all. This will preclude extreme trauma from the ordeal of being hoisted by helicopter to an airport where a cargo plane will transport them further. And, equally important, it will keep them together as a family, which is essential to their psychological well being.

Either way, I am certain we will make the decision that is best for these endangered elephants.

So, please take a moment to help by donating here.

The elephants thank you!


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