
US To Allow Imports of Elephant “Trophies” from Zimbabwe and Zambia


Unlike wild dogs or cats who roam in packs, elephants live together in extraordinarily close families, much closer than ours. In fact a mother and baby are inseparable all their lives. So, grandmothers, mothers, babies and grand babies never leave one another’s side. The bulls are more independent yet will valiantly protect their families with their lives. For these reasons and many more, killing one of them is considered murder by informed people.

You may be able to save the lives of several elephants in just a few minutes.

Read this important article by clicking here.

Then please call your congressional representatives as soon as you are able and ask them to stop all imports of elephants killed in Zimbabwe and Zambia.

You can find your representatives by clicking here.

Phone calls are more effective than emails, faxes or letters. So, please use this method and always be extremely polite and informed.

Senators and congressmen closely monitor the response of their constituents so contacting them about this matter is clearly worth the few minutes required to read the above article, find your representatives in the included list and make a short phone call.

Remember, they want to know what’s on your mind so call today.

The elephants thank you!

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